
Showing posts with label Comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comics. Show all posts

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Captain Marvel Posters and trailers

The official Captain Marvel site has launched and its a throwback to everything 90s.

Folks this is what websites first looked like, I also had to do a double take to make sure I landed on the right page.

Heres the link to get more info

As well heres 10 new captain marvel posters for you to enjoy
and here's the trailer for you to catch up on

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Suicide Squad Trailer 1 HD First Look

Our First Look at Suicide Squad. How they fit all the back stories will be pretty incredible. Glimpses of Batman. How will this tie into Batman V Superman? Is this DC's first real attempt to try and tie together the worlds of their Cinematic universe? Excited Yes we are. This one will be darker thats for sure.

Monday, June 24, 2013

300 Rise of an Empire desktop wallpaper + HD trailer Release

The Sequel to the awesome 300 movie is finally revealing its first trailer. The film will be based off of Frank Millers Xerxes as for an actual time line in relation to 300 we'll have to wait to find out more. Visually they have kept the atmosphere the same, there seems to be a new director but Zack snyder is still writing the script and probably "back seat directing" this thing. We're looking forward to some epic battles and slow motion fight scenes. We might even learn a little something about greek history too. Enjoy the trailer and let us know what you think.
 Themistocles 300 Rise of an Empire

Friday, April 12, 2013

Kick Ass 2 HD Trailer. Mature Audience Trailer

Hey Folks so here is the Kick-Ass 2 Trailer. Now we arent to sure how much this will be based on the series Kick-ass 2 but I'm sure it'll be a fun watch.

Check out the trailer and leave us your thoughts. (This is the red ban trailer so it's for mature audiences only.)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Iron man 3 Desktop Wallpaper HD Backgrounds

Theatrical Poster for Iron man 3 Hall of Armor HD Desktop Wallpaper 1305x1050px
So things have been pretty silent on our end for the past few months regarding developments of the nearly finished Iron man 3 movie. Well today we start to chip away at the silence. Here are 2 awesome desktop wallpapers from the upcoming third installment of the iron man franchise. The first is the hall of armor featuring the newly revealed Mark VIII (8) and the theatrical teaser poster for the movie. Enjoy the HD wallpapers and use them well. We can't wait for this next addition to the marvel movie universe and the Iron man franchise. Get more information here

 Iron Man 3 HD Desktop Wallpaper Mark VIII (8) 1305 x 1050px

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Jeff J. Scott Campbell Ruff Stuff Vol 2 Sketchbook Release

We did say this would be a great holiday season. Like all good things the 2012 Ruff Stuff Compilation comes with 2 books, Vol 2 being the second. My personal preference was actually this volume. Campbell tends to draw single characters and is excellent at doing it. The problem is with a standard horizontal book you don't get to see a lot of the  character detailing and an element of depth is missing. You'll understand what I mean when take a look at the full sketchbook below. This one was one of my favorite sketchbooks. 

The J. Scott Campbell Ruff (rough) Stuff Vol 2 is here. The pair comes with a Horizontal and a Vertical version, each with their own individual sets of art. Volume 2 was the vertical version and in our opinion the nicer sketchbook, but we still highly recommend you get both it's worth the current 2012 pricing of $40-$50 for the pair. We'll try to not add to much commentary on this but just flipping through this there are so many subtle easter eggs in each page.

DO NOT ADJUST YOUR MONITOR this is the original colours of the pages they have a purple tinge to, which is all part of the Campbell style. Enjoy Click to Enlarge Images

If you want to See Volume one Horizontal Click Here

 Left to Right P1-8: Grimm Fairy Tales, Tinker Bell and Hook, Gwen Stacy, Sleeping Beauty

 Left to Right P9-16: Wasn't to Sure who or what, Baroness, Buffy Slaying Vampirella, Batman and Joker

 Left to Right P17-24: Gwen Stacy in the Rain, Mary Jane, GIRLS, Black Cat

 Left to Right P25-32: Eve in the garden with Howard Stern, Stan Lee and Friends, Pan Am, Alice in Wonderland 

 Left to Right P33-40: Maleficent (check out the bottom with the dragon tattoo on her back), Dejah Thoris, Wizard of Oz, Snow White and the Huntsmen

P41-42: Ariel and Cinderella Disney Princesses

Left to Right P43-47: Cinderella Midnight Run, Danger Girl Group, Back Cover

Hope you Enjoyed the review and leave your thoughts here too.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Justice League Video Game Injustice Gods Among Us HD Desktop Background Wallpaper

I saw this at the WB booth during the 2012 Fanexpo. I wasn't sure what the banner was until I got up close to check it out. From the Creators of Mortal Combat comes the Justice League Earth 3 style. The trailer loot pretty cool. Unfortunately there is a lot of beating up on the Flash. We'll see more as the game releases details. For now the characters look awesome and so do the Wallpapers.

Check out the desktop background for the game.
Injustice Gods Among Us Batman HD Wallpaper Background 2560 x 1440 px
Injustice Gods Among Us Superman HD Wallpaper Background 2560x1440px

Monday, July 23, 2012

Francis Manapul 2005 Sketchbook preview

With more new content coming all the time. We're previewing the 2005 Francis Manapul Sketchbook. This is the sketchbook before all the DC flash stuff, I guess you can say the art when he was just staring out before hitting the big leagues. You can definitely see a maturing and evolution in the art comparing it to what it is now. Well enjoy a sneak peek and we'll reveal the whole thing just shortly.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Dark Knight Rises Batman Wallpaper

The dark Knight rises comes out on July 20. 3 Weeks from to day we'll be posting 3 new wallpapers each week until the release of the movie. It's going to be an awesome movie. This premieres at the end of this week.

Here's the Final BATMAN
Batman Dark Knight Rises Wallpaper (1551x860px)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Batman Dark Knight Rises BANE wallpaper

The dark Knight rises comes out on July 20. In honor of the movie we are showing you 3 Dark Knight Rises Wallpapers. We already did 1 with catwoman on the bat pod.

Here is the second BANE!!
Bane Dark Knight Rises Desktop Wallpaper (1551x860px)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Amazing Spider-man Wall paper 3 and Trailer

The amazing Spider man Wallpaper
The movie hits theatres July 3 2012 and it looks good
Here's another wallpaper to keep the high coming especially if you just watched Marvel's The Avengers movie.

Watch the Spider-man trailer here

Spider-man Wallpaper 1385 x 1173 px

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Avengers Wallpaper & trailer 2 HD release

Avenge the leap year with the newest avengers trailer release. There's story action and superhero fights Thor vs. Cap vs. Iron Man! Ya check out the trailer and get ready may 4 to be blown away. April 25 release date for us Canadians :)
Check it out on apple here. Or just Watch it Here. And Enjoy the New Wallpaper too.

Avengers Desktop Wallpaper 1500 x 950px