It wouldn't be a fiction blog without this. STAR WARS, that's right it's here. As expected we couldn't have this blog without it. On the block. Obi Wan Kenobi exclusive version premium format statue from Sideshow collectibles.
First Impressions:
With premium formats the name only helps to build and set a certain standard for what the product should look like. Along with the price tags they come with it, you would expect nothing less then a premium piece.
The Goods what you care about:

The four color display box. This box style was a little odd. The functional design elements didn't suit the product. I'll explain. The box has a sleeve around it (that's where the pictures are) that makes it really difficult to get a good grip on and transport. In most cases you'll probably pull the sleeve off and then move the product box. Also with a matte finish the scuff marks just show up so easily.
Sliding the sleeve off reveals a high gloss black box. Lay the box down and find the side flap that opens (it opens much like a treasure chest would), the product doesn't just slide out. Now on a first time opening it looks really cool but its a really pain to get the product out. Print and artwork is pretty simple and minimal, to accompany the style of a full black box.

Styrofoam. With this one the styrofoam is great and fits perfectly around all the parts. Now here's the tricky part if you had once opened the statue before, you'll notice that you probably re-tied the twist ties. Trying to get Obi Wan out of the box now is tricky because you have to lift the bottom styrofoam piece out because Obi Wan is stuck to it. How? well the easiest way is to put the styrofoam top back on and flip it over and drop the whole thing out gently. Which for most collectors can be quite the task and scary. So don't tie the twist ties back it'll save you time and a hassle. Unfortunatly the base is protected from scratches using a hard plastic... which usually scratches high gloss pieces. So either put some paper between the base and the plastic or take your chances with just the plastic. Other then that every thing is packed really well. They even had enough sense to split the lightsaber far enough down the hilt that it wouldn't get jostled and broken in shipping. Also making it easy to put the lightsaber together for the light up feature. From the pieces in the box this is a really easy set up and wont take long before it's ready for display.
The Statue

Wow, wow, wow. This is another example of what a premium format is supposed to be. As usual pictures can only come as close as possible without seeing the real thing, we did our best to capture it. The statue is 20 inches high with the face sculp being fantastic with lots of detail especially for the hair. They even managed to get right down to the details of veins on the hands. The robes are really well made with good fabric, even his belt was included on the waist which is incredible. To go to such great lengths to bring this piece together it truely is something to look at. Normally you would think with robes it would be hard to get them to flow in the right manner, not with this statue. you can even decided whether you want the hood up (with the EP4 "these aren't the droid you are looking for style) or down (showing the full face). My only issue is that the ears look kind of big from the back, but who looks at the back of a statue.
On to the lightsber, trust me it really needs its own section. THE LIGHTSABER LIGHTS UP. YUP it lights up, this is included in both versions exclusive and regular. It's a little tricky to get the lightsaber connected as you have to be careful to slip the lightsaber into his hands. Just make sure the notch goes with the other notch.
Probably the most exciting part of the statue the light up feature. Seen from all angles of the statue.
Training Remote
Exclusive |
Now the exclusive. For this particular statue the exclusive addition is a Jedi training remote with matching style base. Let me make this point it's not essential and I don't think it adds that much value to the piece. But thats the exclusive and it is more rare so that's a personal preference. The training remote does have amazing detail and sculpting which is very impressive, not skimping once on the quality.
From Top clock wise: Obi Wan Kenobi without hood, below Obi Wan Kenobi with hood on. Lightsaber not illuminated.
Final thoughts:
This is yet another premium statue that raises the bars for all other companies in order to be competitive. SIDESHOW for the win. Recommendation i would go with getting the regular if you are tight on cash. The exclusive isn't realy worth the extra $300+ you would pay for the training remote. Get this statue becuase of the light-up lightsaber it totally changes the dimension and the cool factor of the whole thing. This is a must for Obi Wan Kenobi fans. It'll ad the grown up professional tasteful feel to your collection. Sideshow tends to do that very well and they have so far managed to keep the quality exceptional. Get the regular version unless you can get the exclusive for a price matching the regular version price.
4.5 "
Force" hand waves out of 5
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