From the moment you open the book there's just so much colour and vibrance, the retro comic colouring the book really captures every era the Man of steel has lived through. Now what happens when Superman is truly about to die? That's what All-Star Superman is here for. The pages are thick and read great. There really is no better way to read comics then in the absolute.
I'm Sure you noticed with this absolute the I left the outside shrink wrap on. Why? Well I find with the plastic it keeps the book slipcase from getting scratched or worn out from staying on the bookshelf. Solves the issues of the bald patches on the slipcase. Tip to open it is at the end.
Left to Right: Front (can you see the secret superman logo? No joke it really is on the front of it) and Back of All-Star Superman absolute edition dust jacket by Frank Quitely
All angles of the All-Star Superman Hardcover. A closer look will show you that there's a retro comic style to the art. I'm guessing an homage to the beginning of Superman to the the end of him.
Interior content is amazing with lots of bonus art extras. A collection of all the covers as well as unreleased secret covers.
All-Star Superman Unused Secret Covers designed by Chip Kidd
Neil Adams Variant Cover All-Star Superman #1, All 12 covers from All-Star Superman Issue
What a way to make an ending. You'll have to read it to find out, great story. The last will and testament of Superman, that's what the book reads like. It's pretty epic.
This gets a 5 out of 5 for presentation and story.
Random: How to Take care of your Absolute Editions.
The trick to opening an absolute is to be careful (obvious isn't it?) you want to make an "I" shape on the spine where the book will slide out. First with a knife cut the top (short side) where the book and the slipcase meet. Do that on the top and bottom. Next lift the plastic at the spot where you just cut. With your knife gently cut across the center of the spine. Your cuts will make a "I" shape. Once finished cutting slide the absolute out tuck the 2 flaps into the opening and then slide the hardcover absolute back in. That's it and now the absolute will stay clean and new for it's whole life.