
Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

X-Men Days of Future Past Trailer 1 HD

The First Trailer for X-Men days of future past has arrived just in time... or was it placed back in the time we were meant to see it....

There's not a great website for the movie so this is all we get at the moment If you want to check out the other updates see them here x-menmovies. Well not exactly there's a track industries website that you may want to check out for fun here Trask Industries They are the ones that make the sentinels.

If you need good play by play check out this play by play at Entertainment Weekly

So check out the Trailer... Unfortunately theres no sentinels at all probably still under development

Hopefully If Wolverine can get this right they can do a proper reboot of the franchise (which is pretty smart) Maybe even keep the same non-first class X-Men characters for the new movies. Hopefully messing with time can actually save the new X-Men universe. Currently the First class universe is busy saving the franchise. So here's to hoping that the second time around it'll be solid.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Captain america Winter Soldier Trailer 1 HD Debut

The first looks at the new Captain America movie have arrived.

Check it out and read below for our thoughts

So First things first this isn't a historical piece like the first movie, but from the looks of it there will be some definite clashes of what the "old school" thinking of freedom and democracy is versus what the 21st century requires to have "necessary evils" in order to keep our "freedom and democracy." Lots of new characters are cropping up too which gets us excited. First off Falcon is in the movie the first stage costume looks pretty cool and modern, not sure about the actor though. Secondly The winter soldier looks amazing pretty comic accurate. Black widow is back of course since this is a S.H.I.E.L.D movie, maybe hawkeye will make an appearance too? Since this is the first trailer theres still plenty to hope for.
But this movie looks epic almost as epic as the upcoming Thor movie. Crashing Shield helicarriers and the winter soldier catching Cap's Shield throw. He is probably going to be an impressive villian... wonder who he is and when they'll drop the "buck" on his identity. Heres to hoping for an impressive Captain America movie.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Hobbit 2 The Desolation of Smaug Trailer 2 HD Official

Here it is, just as we were all starting to wonder about the Hobbit the second Trailer has emerged from the fire. Check it out here and make sure to check out the new Hobbit Desktop Wallpapers from the upcoming second instalment of the trilogy. Yes some of you may be wondering why this movie is a trilogy or why Legolas is in the movie or why are they trying to make this longer then its supposed to be. Well the reality is they decided to do and for all those thinking likewise to that decision I say just enjoy the next 2 movies. How often do we get a massive blockbuster that's good, available for us to watch dealing in the entire realm of magic, dwarves, elves and most importantly sword fighting and armoured up warriors. I'm happy that there 3 movies now so I can indulge the sic-fi fantasy side of myself without feeling super dorky and actually having my wife interested in watching it two. I say men take it and go, you're not going to get many more chances then this.

Need more Hobbit 2 Desolation Excitement Check out our desktop wallpapers from the upcoming movie here

Leave your thoughts for us. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Robo Cop Reboot Trailer 1 HD

The new Robo Cop trailer has been revealed. To be honest first thoughts I'm not to sure what to feel. The trailer is alright but I think the overall theme they are going for with the whole should police and military service eventually have and integrated Human interface or just pure obedient AI. It just doesn't seem that interesting. I wonder who the villain will be but in the mean time we'll just have to wait. Also a black suit Robo Cop seems... I like the silver. Also the flip up visor is and interesting twist.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thor the Dark world Trailer 2 HD

A new Trailer for Thor 2: the Dark World has surfaced. May thee be prepared to be blown away.

Looks like the majority of the 1st movie's cast will be returning. Check out the new trailer released by marvel. Loki is back, but slightly good. Enjoy the trailer and we'll do play by play for you.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

SDCC 2013 Amazing Spider-man 2 ELECTRO preview

Ladies and Gentlemen today marks the beginning of the biggest convention regarding all things fiction in the world. What is it you ask? We'll its the San Diego Comic-Con 2013. First looks even before the door in California open to the fans. Sony has released the first preview of the amazing spider-man 2. The Villain at least one villain in the movie has finally been put to the screen for us to see. Here's the first preview of Electro who will be one of the villains in the new movie. Check it out here and we'll update you once more information hits the con. So far we know Jamie Foxx will be playing Electro. ENJOY

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Lego Movie Wallpaper and Trailer 1

At first glance Lego anything seems like it will be cool. But a full fledged movie in theaters Lego movie might be a bit questionable. It has all the Lego characters it seems except for the Star Wars guys and the marvel guys. I don't know what to expect but hopefully it's funny and good. The main saving grace about it will probably be, being able to see each of our favorite Lego sets come to life.

Lego Movie Desktop Wallpaper 1600 x 1060px

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Hobbit 2 The desolation of Smaug Desktop Wallpaper and Trailer 1

A new trailer has surfaced for the 2nd part of the Hobbit Trilogy, and lads this is an awesome trailer. Legolas is back and looking pretty bad ass once again with a companion girl elf who is just bad ass. Prepare yourselves for some awesome bow and arrow fight scenes. Most importantly though is the revealing of the ever important Smaug the dragon.
Check out the trailer and watch it twice at least.
The Hobbit 2
The Hobbit 2 The Desolation of Smaug 1600 x 1032 px

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Pacific Rim HD Desktop Wallpaper

Yes folks there is another pacific rim desktop wallpaper for you. This one is showing a fight scene between a Kaiju and the Striker Mech. We're excited for this movie and hoping it'll be a giant Mech movie that will hopefully spawn a live action Gundam Movie and other such movie's with giant robots.

Pacific Rim Striker vs. Kaiju 1920 x 1024px

Monday, June 24, 2013

300 Rise of an Empire desktop wallpaper + HD trailer Release

The Sequel to the awesome 300 movie is finally revealing its first trailer. The film will be based off of Frank Millers Xerxes as for an actual time line in relation to 300 we'll have to wait to find out more. Visually they have kept the atmosphere the same, there seems to be a new director but Zack snyder is still writing the script and probably "back seat directing" this thing. We're looking forward to some epic battles and slow motion fight scenes. We might even learn a little something about greek history too. Enjoy the trailer and let us know what you think.
 Themistocles 300 Rise of an Empire

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

World War Z Desktop Wallpapers HD

World War Z We haven't seen it but in just 3 short weeks it will hit theaters.
World War Z Zombies Wallpaper 1920x1080px
World War Z Zombies Desktop Wallpaper 1600x900px

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Lone Ranger Desktop Wallpaper

June is rolling around and that means comic-cons, and the middle of summer blockbuster season. Today we're just going to be reporting on the Disney revamping of the Lone Ranger featuring Armie Hammer and Johnny Depp. Personally I'm not familiar with the series so I'm pretty much a newbie. What I can say though is that another western seems to be a good balance to all the sci-fi blockbusters. For you today we have a few western themed Lone Ranger Desktop Wallpapers to fill your western your needs. Stay tuned for the rest of them

The Lone Ranger Desktop Wallpaper HD 1280x602px
Tonto Lone Ranger Desktop Wallpaper HD 1280x602px
Rebecca Reid The lone ranger Desktop Wallpaper
Red The Lone Ranger Desktop Wallpaper

Friday, May 17, 2013

Star Trek into Darkness Desktop Wallpaper

To celebrate the release of the second JJ Abrams Star Trek movie, the league is releasing a couple of new desktop wallpapers featuring the enterprise. Enjoy them, this movie looks awesome and a definite proud showing for the Star Trek franchise.

USS Enterprise Desktop Wallpaper 1600 x 800px
USS Enterprise Desktop Wallpaper  1600 x 800 px

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Catch up for 'Iron Man 3' in 3 minutes

Planning to watch Iron Man 3 this weekend but don't remember what happened in the 3 movies (Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Avengers) leading up to it? Well you got 3 minutes?

Pacific Rim - HD Trailer 2 + Commentary

Robots... check, Monsters... check, Action... check... Guillermo Del Toro's uber-creative mind... discount double check! 

(0:14) - Is that GLaDOS? Will there be a promise of cake after the credits?
(0:30) - Oh my! 30 seconds in and I only have 1 comment... this trailer is leaving me speechless. 
(0:34) Oh... they really were going fishing...
(0:45) Reminds me of Cloverfield.. that movie could have probably needed a bit of robots in it too.
(1:18) Pilots mind melding with machine... IS THIS AN EVANGELION MOVIE!!!! cause that would be awesome!
(1:47) Of course Ron Perlman is in a GDT movie
(1:57) Glad to see some multiculturalism. The movie was starting to look like those movies set in Asian cities, yet everyone is American.
(2:00) Cool beans.. A General Grievous type robot
(2:14) How is this not an Evangelion Movie?
(2:29) I think I need to watch this in IMAX 3D. July 12th

Make sure to check out our Pacific Rim wallpapers Here

Further Comments:
The VFX look great, accompanied with the filter to make everything look not so ultra real. The robots are also not overly complicated with showing parts like in Transformers' totally unnecessary loose parts. The dialogue might be cheesy, but it's an action movie, so who are we kidding? We can at least expect better dialogue/story than Transformers. I hope it knows what it is and doesn't try to be something it is not. NO gratuitous female shots, NO blatant product placements, NO unnecessary potty humour, NO moms trying weed, NO attempts at being funny with inappropriately racist robots that really fell flat on it's own face, NO weird camera angles so that I can't see any of the action going on. Just give me robots beating up monsters, with some charm and a dash of something special and I am a happy follower. GDT, do us proud!

Pacific Rim Desktop Wallpapers

Giant Mechs defending the world against Giant sea/land monster emerging from the depths of the seas. What more could an action movie lover ask for.

Stay tuned this week we'll be release 1 new pacific rim desktop wallpaper every week for you to see. Each one will feature a different Robot seen in the movie releasing in theaters July 12.

Striker Pacific rim Desktop Wallpaper 2172 x 1021px
Coyote Pacific Rim Desktop Wallpaper 2172 x 1021px
Cherno Pacific Rim Desktop Wallpaper 2172 x 1021px
Crimson Pacific Rim Desktop Wallpaper 2172 x 1021px
Gipsy pacific Rim Desktop Wallpaper 2172 x 1021px

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Thor: The Dark World - HD Trailer + Commentary

Thy eyes shall be smitten with a visual assaulting!
I'm gonna try to make this as much like BY's last Superman post. I'll start the breakdown but he'll probably do it better later today.

Play-by-Play Commentary (Now with special guest)
FR= Fiction is Real      BY=BY

FR- (0:00) Ominous thunder clap with city scape (queue birds flying away)
BY- (0:09) Birds flying across the street... is this film directed by John Woo?... (went to check director)... nevermind then.
FR- (0:12) Ominous sigh, followed by intense magic trick queue Levitating truck. Odin voice over of explaining the universe according to Norse Gods.
FR- (0:23) Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) is that you?
BY: Natalie Portman? I am sold... how soon can I preorder my ticket?
FR- (0:25) The first glimpse of our movie's villain.
FR- (0:29) The main villains epic bad ass ship. Followed by things exploding and people running in fear.
FR- (0:30) Standard Marvel Scroll opening and Music change to something less solemn and more racy with a synthesized bass track.
BY- (0.34) Ooo cool little thing they did with making the red of the Marvel Logo turn into a cape... I am obviously easily amused.
FR- (0:35) YAY finally after 30 seconds of intense stuff...reading this makes this seem even more long. None the less a new outfit thor seems to be wearing. Slightly shinier and more sleek boots.
BY- Things do look sleeker.. and the mood and filter looks darker... like every sequel tends to be. (oh wait, the sub-title is "Dark World.. so I guess it's obligated to be darker)
BY- (0:39) 2nd glimpse of Natalie Portman... seriously, how soon can I give my money?
BY- (0:48) Whoa whoa whoa! How does Thor now have to the power to travel between realms?... oh wait.. is bifrost fixed? BUT YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS... Natalie Portman in Asgard means more Natalie Portman (psst... I have a confession... I have an infatuation with Natalie Portman)
BY: For some reason, this scene makes me wish for a Marvel version of Super Smash Bros. Please let that be a possibility.
BY: (1:13) What is it with these comic book movies and Avatar? First Superman and now this?
BY- (1:40) So this is the 3rd film with Loki, and hopefully not as the villain, or else shame on him. If he were, he'd be the Wile-E-Coyote of the Marvel Universe.
BY- (1:43) The last line by Loki was "When do we start"... cue release date "November 2013". Clever Clever Marvel.

Final Comments:
BY- Looks like the tone is darker (hence The Dark World), and there will be more powered up Thor rather than civilian Thor, which is cool. This also looks like the movie will be mostly away from Earth, which is a nice welcome change which does nicely set up the future movies (ie. Guardians of the Galaxy). Good start but it was a very typical trailer and did not get me as pumped up as any of the Man of Steel trailer did.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness HD wallpaper 2 and HD Trailer 2

This summer looks like another. The second star trek movie hits theaters May 17, 2013. I've never been much of a Star Trek Fan but this is really making me interested. As with the first movie there looks like a well written script and acting for the movie. The action looks incredible and the visual effects and scenery look stunning. This looks equally balanced with awesome looking alien worlds and pretty epic space battles. This one looks like a definite watch in Imax 3D. Kirk will either rise to the occasion or fall hard as we see the enterprise actually shot down for once.

Star Trek Into Darkness Enterprise Down 1600x 1399px

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Star Wars + Avengers + X-Men = Crapping my pants awesome!

Today, NBC posted an outtake from Parks and Recreation with Patton Oswalt spitting out gold with his proposed plot for Star Wars: Episode VII. You would be crazy not to watch this all the way through.

So his plot involves a not-yet-dead Boba Fett, members of the original cast, Thanos, the Avengers (but not the 2nd tier superheros), and the X-Men. This could very well be possible since Disney now owns most of these franchises (X-cept for the movie rights to the X-Men). I wondered how this would all tie in until he mentioned the reality gem and I was SOLD!

Patton Oswalt...

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Play-by-Play Trailer Commentary: Man of Steel

All your doubts and questions have been answered. It is here, it is now, the newest Man of Steel Trailer. 

(0:00) Explosions galore
(0:08) What is that flying thing? Is Krypton somehow related to Pandora from Avatar?
(0:08) I wish I had Russell Crowe as my dad, only based on his voice. He seems supportive.. but what-a-sec, he's sending his only son off, maybe not a good idea.
(0:30) Did we just get through 30 seconds without dramatic singing lady ala Gladiator or the 2nd Man of Steel trailer?
(0:55) More of the same scenes from the last trailer
(1:13) Why would Superman need to hitchhike when he can run or fly anywhere he wants?
(1:25) Superman has a beard, which brings up the age-old question, how the heck does Superman shave? Wouldn't his hair be impenetrable by common steel since he is the Man of Steel?
(1:48) There are sure quite a lot of cool looking close-up scenes and angles, especially for short scenes in a trailer, but not sure how well that will translate on film.
(2:06) I'm sure mobs of people will be flocking to the theaters to watch the movie from the director of 64% rottentomato rated Watchmen... oh wait.. what's that?.. 300 got 60%..  I am now outraged because 300 was awesome. At least they played it smart and had no mention of Sucker Punch.
(2:07) Begin montage of quick cut moments which I will have to watch-pause-rewatch-pause-rewatch and still find out nothing about the movie
(2:12) First viewing of Michael Shannon as General Zod... looks evil enough... check
(2:16) Now that is pedigree worth mentioning
(2:27) Maybe it is a good idea to cast a Superman actor who is actually buff... sorry Brandon Routh but you don't make the cut.
(2:37) You see, you don't need to cast a Superman actor that looks like Christopher Reeves, they'll look just fine as Superman... sorry Brandon Routh
(2:45) Yup looks like an 'S' to me
(2:48) Everything wrong with "Superman Returns" solved with one punch... heck yeah! (in reference to the lack of punches thrown in "Superman Returns". I'm pretty sure that just this trailer alone has more punches than the entirety of "Superman Returns. Yes I like to see punches.)
(2:51) Still looks like an 'S'
(2:56) June 14? See you there!

Also Make sure you Check out The SUPERMAN Man of Steel Wallpaper Here - FictionisReal